Helbling developed the mobile app "AMC Cook & Go" (iOS and Android) for AMC, which makes it easy for AMC customers to operate their AMC cooking system. The app keeps the user informed about all the steps in the cooking process and allows the temperature to be controlled without having to stand at the stove. When using the Navigenio mobile and WiFi-enabled cooking plate, the scope of the AMC Cook & Go app is extended indefinitely thanks to cloud-based communication.
Helbling was able to successfully implement the project, not least thanks to the wide-ranging experience of the software engineers in the development of mobile and cloud-based applications.
Key Figures
- Mobile app (iOS and Android)
- Cross-platform app development with React Native
- Seamless connection switching (BLE <> cloud)
- Internet of Things
- Smart Home
- Cloud implementation

Our Contribution
- Definition of a software architecture with cloud backend, app, and communication interface to intelligent cooking appliances
- Development of a consumer app for controlling and monitoring intelligent cooking appliances
- Automatic connection switching locally via BLE or remotely via the cloud
- Management of device settings and firmware updates
- Integration of app push notifications