
Experimental Verification, Testing, & Proof of Performance

Experimental methods for testing individual functions and proving product properties on a system level are essential. They are even indispensable for proving a multitude of normative requirements. Although the possibilities of numerically supported simulations are constantly improving and are taking on an increasingly important role in the development process for proving individual product properties, this approach is still state of the art.

In Helbling's internal laboratories we are able to realize and carry out a large number of tests.

Core services

Principle tests

True to the expression "The proof of the pudding is in the eating", in many cases it is efficient to map solution approaches in simplified principle tests using functional models. This provides important insights for the further course of development. Such principle tests are also recommended for testing ergonomic aspects of the use of a product as well as other factors of the user experience (UX) such as intuitive handling, haptics, and aesthetics.

We know how to design and realize such functional models and test setups with the indicated level of abstraction and test them in our own laboratories or via field tests in the end user environment. When it comes to assessing UX aspects, we always involve the customer or designated user groups.

Since we work with rapid prototyping methods, in-house and with specialized suppliers, we are able to realize such tests in a very short time.

Proof of performance

Towards the end of product development in each case and at the latest before the start of serial production, we check whether all specified requirements for the product are met. We agree with the customer on a case-by-case basis how the proof is provided per requirement and what evidence is provided in an experimental setup. However, certain normative requirements must be verified in an experimental setup.

Within our in-house Helbling laboratories, we have the capability to provide a large number of such verifications. This is the case, for example, with regard to accelerated aging tests or resistance to environmental influences such as temperature or humidity.

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

Barely any products developed today have no electronic components. We determine the influence of electromagnetic interference from the environment on the product as well as the interference on electrical equipment caused by the product. If required, we reduce these interferences to below the normative values. 

In our in-house laboratories, we are able to carry out such tests and immediately incorporate the results into the development process. Depending on the applicable standard, the goal is always to pass the respective test in an accredited laboratory at the first attempt.

Product verification – test automation

End-of-line testers are used for efficient and traceable quality assurance in the manufacturing and assembly of products. Such systems can either be integrated into the production line as a fully automated station or operated as a semi-automated system with intuitive user guidance and reproducible logging for manual operation. During product verification, functional tests are carried out that usually check several risks per test case.

An essential part of test system development is the initial analysis of assembly processes, which are systematically screened and evaluated with regard to potential errors. Test cases can be derived from this, from which test methods are subsequently developed. These artifacts serve as the target description of the test system.

We develop test systems for you with the help of a dedicated and proven methodology as well as proven solution concepts. We also implement test systems and put them into operation in our client’s production facility. 

Reference projects

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