Sustainability @ Helbling

The Helbling Group is committed to a corporate culture that is focused on people, the environment, and business.  

This creates scope for innovative entrepreneurship and the development of effective solutions for the environment, the economy, and society. The Helbling Group wants to make a significant contribution to a future worth living.

Our approach

Today's concept of sustainability is based on the insight that human well-being, economic performance and the preservation of the natural foundations of life are mutually dependent. None of these three goals can be achieved without the other two. Against this background, the three-pillar model of sustainable development was developed, which includes economic and social sustainability in addition to ecological sustainability. Based on this model, the United Nations has identified 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They are the core of the 2030 Agenda, which came into force in 2016.

The SDGs are aimed at states and civil society as well as academia and businesses. The latter are invited to analyze which of the 17 goals they can support most effectively.

This is precisely the task that the Helbling Group has set itself, identifying a number of goals that it can help to achieve.

Our path

Sustainability at Helbling is based on six building blocks: innovation, customers, culture, organization, networking and employees. The objectives of the UN Sustainable Development Goals relevant to Helbling can be assigned to these building blocks.

The six building blocks make up the sustainability declaration, which is binding for the management and all employees of all Helbling Group companies and their locations.

Nachhaltigkeit @ Helbling

Our building blocks


The Helbling Group defines sustainable innovation as the interaction of four criteria: desirability (addresses customer needs), feasibility (technically realizable), viability (returns a profit) and sustainability (good for the environment, business and society in the long term).

From optimization to disruptive change, our contributions in this respect can promote greater sustainability.

Sustainable innovation is specifically promoted and developed in the Helbling Group through the measures below:

  • Sustainability considerations are included in the assessment and processing of all projects, unless otherwise agreed with the customer.
  • When it comes to service development, the Helbling Group focuses on services that address the sustainability challenges of our customers.
  • Technical and methodological expertise for the provision of innovative sustainability services are developed further and the infrastructure required for these. 
  • The acquisition of specific expertise in the areas of technology and standards for the realization of sustainable innovation projects is promoted in a targeted manner.


As an engineering and consulting company, our projects for customers offer us the greatest leverage to ensure ecological sustainability in the future.

Relevant approaches range from the development of sustainable strategies and business processes to the development of eco- and socio-intelligent products and systems to sustainably designed infrastructures and plants as well as energy-optimized buildings and factories.

One area of particular focus in projects is on the systemic examination of the entire product life cycle – from fair procurement and manufacturing that conserves resources to long-term optimized usage of energy and resources and through to the reuse of components and materials or their recycling.


Our employees are the most important resource in our service business. Accordingly, a significant value is attached to sustainable relations with each other in practically all aspects.

With our progressive corporate culture, our federalist organization, our various projects and the diversity and equal opportunities that we live and breathe, we offer our employees a motivational environment.

Within the framework of the projects we offer meaningful work in a stable environment, which allows to make a significant contribution to a world worth living.

We want to both enthuse and retain our employees in the long term. We place enormous importance on their long-term health and performance in this respect, along with maintaining their employability through internal support and further training, education and development.

We continually expand the varied training and education program of the Helbling Group and ensure it reflects contemporary needs, particularly in the area of sustainability.


We are convinced that the sustainable development of the environment, society and the economy can only be achieved successfully on an internal and external level through consistent networking and a readiness to collaborate. The Helbling Group considers itself to be part of a sustainability ecosystem. For this reason, we collaborate with other organizations and stakeholders with which we share a development community.


We are convinced that sustainability can display its strength and effectiveness if it is firmly anchored at the heart of our corporate identity and, consequently, in our daily activities. Accordingly, sustainability is a core value in our mission statement. It is the compass guiding the development of our company, our business and our employees.

The development of the Helbling Group is a long-term consideration for us. We develop our services so that this consideration is anchored firmly and permanently in their substance.

We attach great importance to long-term, well-functioning cooperation when developing our business with our partners and stakeholders, and we exercise great care in this respect.

We promote and organize informal exchanges, employee events and collective leisure activities, including for the optimum integration of new colleagues and to strengthen a feeling of togetherness.

We provide our services in a manner that conserves resources to the greatest degree and is as environmentally compatible as possible.


Company divisions and their business centers define binding sustainability goals and initiatives annually in the context of the strategic planning and budgeting process and implement these during the course of the year.  These goals encompass the six sustainability building blocks. 

The sustainability focus of the individual areas should be where the greatest contribution can be made in the nature of the respective business activity and the situation in the company division/business center.

Our contribution 

Supporting the sustainability of our customers

Sustainability requires an approach that links a wide range of different competencies. Based on the conviction that only such a holistic approach enables change, the Helbling Group has systematically developed its broad range of services.

This enables us to support industrial companies in making the most of the sustainability opportunities that present themselves. We work with our customers to develop sustainable strategies and business processes and develop eco- and socio-intelligent products and systems for them. We also help our customers to design sustainable infrastructures and plants and to optimize the energy efficiency of buildings and factories.

Our multidisciplinary services are based on an understanding of innovation that adds sustainability to the three classic dimensions of need fulfillment, technical feasibility and profitability.

Reducing our environmental impact

The company's own behavior with regard to the environment (energy and resource consumption) is defined in the sustainability declaration.

A mobility concept also regulates the promotion of public transport and the reduction of emissions from other means of mobility that are necessary for our business. All Helbling Group locations collect their data on CO2 emissions associated with mobility on an annual basis. Optimization and reduction take precedence over compensation.

Materiality analysis in preparation for annual reporting

With regard to the future reporting concept on sustainability in the Helbling Group, a materiality analysis was carried out and the ESG topics relevant to us and their relationship to the 6 building blocks of our sustainability declaration were identified. A sustainability report for the Helbling Group based on the GRI standard is to be prepared for the first time in 2024.

Sustainability training for employees

All employees of the Helbling Group actively engage with our sustainability declaration in team training sessions and thus learn about its contents and their own contributions to sustainability.

The "Cleantech EcoDesign" and "Raising Awareness of the Environment and Sustainability" seminars are currently and will in future be an integral part of our annual internal seminar program for all employees.

Ecovadis Evaluation (Scorecard)

Helbling has been assessed by Ecovadis in the area of corporate social responsibility (CSR) since 2016. In the "Architecture and Engineering Companies" reference group, Helbling is currently among the top 15% of companies assessed, achieving silver status overall.

Partnerships in sustainability

Helbling supports networking in the area of sustainability through its membership in the Swisscleantech and Swissmem associations, the Sustainable Entrepreneurs Club, and Advance. Helbling is also a sponsor of the Swiss Sustainability Forum.

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