
Software & IT

Digital transformation is predominantly driven by software, whether this is achieved by networking products, machines, or plants, or using mobile applications, smart data, or augmented reality. From sensor data to intelligent decision-making tools, the digitization of entire process chains gives rise to new services and product innovations.

As a reliable partner, we develop innovative, tailor-made software solutions for our customers that convince in every respect: quality - performance - security - usability.

Swiss-made software

Our wide range of competences includes:

  • Software engineering
  • User-centered design
  • Agile development processes/Medical 13485 (62304)
  • Web/cloud/mobile technologies
  • Data analytics (machine learning, artificial intelligence, signal & image processing)
  • Augmented reality

Software for networked system solutions

  • Cloud solutions
  • Process automation
  • Internet of Things and M2M communication
  • Networking and telemetry solutions
  • Remote control and monitoring applications
  • Digital twin applications
  • Mobile applications
  • Predictive maintenance and anomaly detection
  • Manufacturing execution systems (MES)

Software for process solutions – business & administration (B2B/B2C)

  • Business dashboards/KPI
  • Sales support
  • Smart catalog systems
  • Product selection
  • Configurators
  • Forecasting and recommendation systems

Software in machines, equipment, & plants

  • Machine and device control
  • Data acquisition (sensors)
  • User interaction/visualization
  • Connectivity (bus systems, BLE, WiFi, NFC)
  • Object recognition and identification



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