The main activities of predevelopment include recording of customer requirements and customer needs. We do so using a customer shortlist and questionnaires. In this phase, customer requirements are further analyzed, refined from a technical point of view, and translated into technical requirement specifications.

In predevelopment, our focus is on proving the technical feasibility of core functions. When considering unprecedented technical solutions for core functions, functional models (FUMOs) or simulation models may be required. Requirements are examined regarding new solutions for the functions. With this, hitherto unused technologies can be needed to implement functions. In these cases, we recommend verifying these technologies or their technical implementation as part of predevelopment before actual product development begins. Support from specialized technology partners might be necessary in such cases. The outcome of predevelopment consists of functional models used to confirm the involved requirements are met.
Ultimately, the concepts selected for the functions are verified with a focus on feasibility and performance. The core functions can be developed in parallel with the overall system. When doing so, it must be borne in mind that parallel development typically results in higher development costs, interconnected timelines, and function risks, which require careful alignment and planning.
We offer special expertise in the following areas: