reference project
New drive technology for automotive vehicles

The customer is a supplier of special vehicles with combustion engines. Given the developments to be expected in the field of drive technology and forthcoming development of a completely new generation of vehicles, the customer needs to determine which new drive technologies will be relevant in the future.
To gain more clarity concerning the selection of new drive technologies, the customer turned to Helbling Technik. Helbling was chosen as a development partner as it has the experience needed to support the customer in selecting the optimal drive technology for the envisaged application. This includes in-depth knowledge of the various new drive technologies, the necessary infrastructure and the legal framework. The technology study which Helbling has prepared also provides the basis for further support in the engineering of the new generation of vehicles.
To gain more clarity concerning the selection of new drive technologies, the customer turned to Helbling Technik. Helbling was chosen as a development partner as it has the experience needed to support the customer in selecting the optimal drive technology for the envisaged application. This includes in-depth knowledge of the various new drive technologies, the necessary infrastructure and the legal framework. The technology study which Helbling has prepared also provides the basis for further support in the engineering of the new generation of vehicles.
Key Figures
- Special vehicles and for on and off-road use
- Can be operated 24 hours
- Can be used in dusty environments
- Can be refueled within the shortest amount of time
- Infrastructure must be available (e.g. for maintenance and refueling)
- Technology must be economically viable

Our Contribution
- Record and analyze customer's needs and general conditions with regard to new drive technologies
- Advise customer on new drive technology for automotive vehicles and associated environment
- Carry out technology study to select suitable new drive technology
- Support development of new generation of vehicle (engineering)

The technology study enables the customer to determine the best way forward based on the envisaged use. The end product has increased market attractiveness through the use of future-oriented and environmentally friendly drive technology.

Internationales Unternehmen der Papierindustrie – Analyse des Dampfsystems

6-Streifenausbau Aarau Ost – Verzweigung Birrfeld – Bauherrenunterstützung