Sensor Test Equipment (STE) for a mobile alarm system
Helbling remodeled combined commissioning and test equipment for the SecuriWall M3 mobile alarm system from Securiton. The system is used to temporarily monitor large spaces, such as airfields or factory areas.
Securiton turned to Helbling with the goal of remodeling the existing equipment and enhancing its functionality. Helbling has extensive experience in the construction of test equipment and is able to assemble an interdisciplinary team of firmware, electronics and mechanical specialists for projects of this nature. As a result, Helbling was capable of grasping the requirements quickly and implementing them to Securiton's complete satisfaction.
Securiton turned to Helbling with the goal of remodeling the existing equipment and enhancing its functionality. Helbling has extensive experience in the construction of test equipment and is able to assemble an interdisciplinary team of firmware, electronics and mechanical specialists for projects of this nature. As a result, Helbling was capable of grasping the requirements quickly and implementing them to Securiton's complete satisfaction.
- Autonomous operation (battery)
- Display via wireless link
- Outdoor use
- Simple operation

- Developing and analysing test cases (purpose of test appliance) and consolidating requirements in initialization phase
- Prioritizing developed points in close consultation with customer
- In the concept phase Helbling developed potential solutions during the concept phase for both the system as a whole and its essential subsystems
- In a variant analysis the different solutions were assessed according to a previously agreed set of criteria
- Helbling intensively Analysed technologies (wireless, energy storage and charge cycles), and potential measures to protect the system from harsh environmental conditions, some of which were tested using functional models.
- All of the modules were refined in line with the preferred solution during the detailed concept phase. Helbling performed calculations and simulations, designed the electrical circuits and software, and constructed the mechanical parts.
- Development of production documents for housing, keyboards and connections, and the PCB layout.
- The system supplier was evaluated together with the customer with an eye to parts procurement and final assembly. Helbling developed and tested the software on a module-by-module basis, in part using simulators and functional models.
- Supervision of system supplier during production set-up and support as needed.
- After assembly of first prototypes , Helbling commissioned and tested them in its own lab.
Result / Success
The equipment was met with a high level of acceptance by the end customer.
Securiton expressed great appreciation for Helbling's efforts, not just with regard to the commissioning and test equipment, but also Helbling's approach and collaboration.

Internationales Unternehmen der Papierindustrie – Analyse des Dampfsystems

6-Streifenausbau Aarau Ost – Verzweigung Birrfeld – Bauherrenunterstützung