reference Project
Safe data transmission in proximity sensors

A safety technology company in industrial and manufacturing automation develops and produces intelligent sensors for use in large remote-controlled mechanical systems. The data required to control and safeguard remote-controlled movements are provided by proximity sensors.
Helbling's task is to extend an existing proprietary bus protocol so that it meets current safety requirements. Helbling is responsible for the requirements development, design, implementation, and verification of the software development in several phases and managed the project in accordance with the ISO 13849 industrial standard for safe control systems in industrial automation.
Helbling's task is to extend an existing proprietary bus protocol so that it meets current safety requirements. Helbling is responsible for the requirements development, design, implementation, and verification of the software development in several phases and managed the project in accordance with the ISO 13849 industrial standard for safe control systems in industrial automation.
Key Figures
- Integration of a safe response protocol into existing proximity and RFID sensors
- Adaptation of the existing software for a modified microcontroller version
- Implementation of Timer / timestamp, CRC calculation and other functions
- Implementation in C, addition of unit tests using Tessy
- Update of customer-specific test box firmware
- Performance of integration tests
- The modified sensors shall comply with the standards EN ISO 13849 and IEC 61508

Our Contribution
- Established software development plan taking ISO 13849 into account
- Kick-off workshop and handover workshop held at the customer
- Build environment, existing targets and test facilities put into operation
- Requirements developed and software design created
- Safe response protocol and other safety functions implemented
- Code reviews and developer tests carried out
- Environment for (partially automated) integration tests developed
- Integration test specification created, and integration test carried out
The software of the different sensors is modified, tested and delivered according to the requirements. Based on the new software functions, test reports and other project documents, the customer successfully receives TÜV approval according to ISO 13849.
The updated sensors are in use. The operational safety of the remote-controlled mechanical systems is successfully adapted to the current state of the art.

Internationales Unternehmen der Papierindustrie – Analyse des Dampfsystems

6-Streifenausbau Aarau Ost – Verzweigung Birrfeld – Bauherrenunterstützung