Reference project
Nestlé’s nesQino Q-Cup

Helbling has been mandated by Nestlé for the concept, development and industrialization of the Q-Cup and its docking station. The Q-cup is a connected mug dedicated for the preparation of the new nesQino beverages. Some of the key challenges successfully tackled by the team during the whole project were the hygiene and ability to clean the system, its cost-effectiveness, and its premium look and feel.
Key Figures
- This new product line, nesQino, offers a solution for busy consumers seeking a healthy lifestyle, with a wide range of tasty and fully natural beverages
- A nesQino beverage is made by combining a base (milk, fruits or cereals), a superfood sachet and water
- The beverage is prepared in the Q-Cup which includes a heating and mixing system
- The user is able to adapt the temperature of the beverages to her/his own taste through a smartphone app

Our Contribution
- Concept, development, and industrialization of the Q-Cup and its docking station
- Design and optimization of the mixing device based on non-stationary CFD simulations and extensive tests using the design-of-experiment (DOE) approach
- At the peak of the activities, up to 9 team members (Helbling only), including development and test engineers, specialists in Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DFMA), CFD and DOE
- Dynamic project management with many activities in parallel to meet the very tight timeline without compromising the product quality
- Close cooperation with the producer, including on-site, to ensure a fast and problem-free launch
The Q-Cup is the first system available in the market to prepare customizable healthy superfood beverages. It provides together with the nesQino products a unique user experience for natural beverages. The very short time-to-market has been made possible through a close and dynamic collaboration of all project partners.


Internationales Unternehmen der Papierindustrie – Analyse des Dampfsystems

6-Streifenausbau Aarau Ost – Verzweigung Birrfeld – Bauherrenunterstützung