reference project
Software for Fire Detection Technology

"SecuriFire" is the redundant, modular fire detection system from Securiton. It enables the lightning-fast detection of incipient fires. Helbling developed "SecuriFire Studio", a modern application that can be used to plan, configure and operate the fire detection system efficiently and at a high level of quality.
The optimized programming tool for "SecuriFire" was envisioned as an ergonomic application that would provide installers with step-by-step guidance when planning, configuring and operating the fire detection system. The goal was to keep the time and effort associated with training and installation as short as possible. Another expectation was that it should be possible to use existing devices, such as iPads, as control units. In short, the high-quality, standard-compliant software was to significantly increase efficiency for installers during the planning phase. Many years of experience and state-of-the-art development tools gave Helbling everything it needed to develop such an innovative software platform. A highly qualified, interdisciplinary team was assigned to document each of the customer's requirements, plan the implementation and, together with the customer, deliver the product on time.
Key Figures
- Complex communications technology
- Scalable and modular software architecture
- Optimized and ergonomic user interface for planning the fire detection system
- Cloud technologies for mobile apps

Our Contribution
- Developing feasibility study and performing various technology studies
- Documenting all customer requirements for complex fire alarm system during requirements engineering
- Carrying out innovation workshop to generate new ideas which were also incorporated in project after agreement with customer
- Defining software architecture to be modular, expandable and scalable, particularly with an eye on the software refactoring that accompanied each new product generation.
- Programming software for fire alarm system installation and configuration tools
- Testing software on pilot plant installed by Securiton after comprehensive unit and integration tests

Securiton calls "SecuriFire Studio" a "veritable marvel of programming" that helps save a considerable amount of both time and money, even when restructuring or expanding a company.
The industry website underscores the user friendliness of "SecuriFire Studio": "The practical SecuriFire Studio programming tool allows all the system's elements to be programmed via a conventional PC at any time and without effort."

Internationales Unternehmen der Papierindustrie – Analyse des Dampfsystems

6-Streifenausbau Aarau Ost – Verzweigung Birrfeld – Bauherrenunterstützung