“Prodigio” and “U” coffee makers

Prodigio is Nespresso’s first capsule coffee maker that can be operated with an app via smartphone. It gives users feedback on the number of available capsules and how to use them. Helbling developed the fluid structure, mechanics and software, including the Bluetooth interface of the app.
Nespresso set itself the goal of adding a coffee maker to its range that gives users feedback on the handling and number of available capsules, in addition to a range of other information. With this machine, Nespresso also entered the Internet of Things for the first time in order to gain experience in this future field. Helbling contributed a range of relevant expertise to this innovative project, from machine development and development for the mass market to the sensor system and interface development.
Nespresso set itself the goal of adding a coffee maker to its range that gives users feedback on the handling and number of available capsules, in addition to a range of other information. With this machine, Nespresso also entered the Internet of Things for the first time in order to gain experience in this future field. Helbling contributed a range of relevant expertise to this innovative project, from machine development and development for the mass market to the sensor system and interface development.
- Internet of Things: Bluetooth link with smartphones
- Easy to use with user feedback and configuration via the app
- Rapid warm-up of the machine in just 25 seconds
- Good energy rating thanks to efficient hydraulics and low energy consumption in standby mode
- “U” coffee maker: 70% of the parts that do not carry water are made of recycled post-consumer waste

- Developing the functional scope in close cooperation with the customer
- Producing the machine architecture
- Defining interfaces and necessary technologies
- Designing a sensor system adapted to the machine featuring comprehensive machine feedback
- Testing the sensor system and interfaces in the prototype phase
- Specifying materials and production processes
- Increasing use of recycling materials by co-injection for the “U” machine
- Component architecture enables a high recycling share for unobtrusive integration of recycled materials
- Developing to series maturity and supporting production

Result / Success
Prodigio is Nespresso’s first capsule coffee maker with its own app connected directly to the user’s smartphone or tablet. It thus combines daily coffee enjoyment with additional benefits ranging from capsule management and a programmable brewing process to maintenance indicators and machine care.

Internationales Unternehmen der Papierindustrie – Analyse des Dampfsystems

6-Streifenausbau Aarau Ost – Verzweigung Birrfeld – Bauherrenunterstützung