
Project Management

By project management, we mean the holistic management of a development project on your behalf. Key elements are the Helbling phase model and the Helbing development methodology. Within the framework of the phase model, a development project is typically divided into the main phases of analysis, definition, concept, detailed development, prototype realization and testing, serialization, and series launch. Depending on complexity and scope, we break this down further into individual steps within each phase. The completion of each project phase represents a project milestone.

As part of project management, the next phase to come is planned in detail during the implementation of each phase. The customer receives a binding offer with regard to activities, scope of delivery, timeframe, and costs. Previous findings from project implementation are incorporated here, which makes the risks easier to calculate.

During implementation of a project or a development phase, project management first and foremost involves leadership of the project team, evaluation of project progress with regard to achieving content goals, technical risks as well as effort and progress over time. This ongoing assessment of the current situation results in the planning measures for the further course of the project.

Regular exchange with customers regarding these points is essential. For this purpose, the essential key figures and data are summarized in a clear project cockpit and continuously updated.

Core services

Project Planning 

The initial planning of a development project is based on the development contract concluded with the customer. The phase-specific offer represents the fundamental contents in terms of services, scope of delivery, expenses, and lead time. A sizeable part of the initial planning is therefore already created during preparation of the offer.

At the start of the project, the aim is to refine individual work packages or development steps in terms of planning. This planning is more granular for immediate steps than for the activities of later steps and phases. This approach enables agility without losing sight of the main aspects and the final project goal.

Project Control 

Reliable presentation of the current project status regarding the degree of fulfilment, risks, costs, and deadlines is a central element of our project management. Decisions on the next steps and phases can only be made optimally and based on fact if all parties involved in the project have a common picture of the project status with regard to these criteria.

Typically, the project management team works with the project team on a monthly basis to create a cockpit that summarizes the project status. This cockpit serves as the basis for progress discussion with the customer.

Project Reviews 

Project reviews take place at different levels and at different cadences depending on the scope of the project. Regular project reviews within the project team, including the customer's project management, are typical.

In monthly project reviews, the project status is reported to the order managers. In particularly critical project phases, brief communications are scheduled daily (daily stand-up meetings).

Design Reviews 

Project phases conclude with a clearly defined project milestone. During design reviews, we evaluate the fulfilment of the goals set for the corresponding phase. In particular, we check whether the product’s technical maturity corresponds to the project’s progress. Are the properties required for the current maturity level available and has the required evidence been provided? The next phase will only be entered if this is the case.

Reference projects

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