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The Swiss medical technology industry - still on course for growth

The Swiss medtech industry is robust and important for the Swiss economy. The sector creates an above-average number of jobs compared to other branches of industry. With an increase in turnover of over six percent in the last two years, the medtech industry has grown twice as fast as Switzerland's nominal gross domestic product in the same period. The biggest challenges for the industry are the high level of regulation and cost pressure. The medtech industry sees digitalization as one of its greatest opportunities. This is shown by the latest industry study published every two years.

The study published by Swiss Medtech and the Helbling Group is based on a survey in which over 470 medtech companies operating in Switzerland took part.

The study was published in Bern on September 11, 2024.

Medtech Sector Study 2024: SMTI 2024 (

Press release Swiss Medtech, September 11, 2024: Medtech Sector Study 2024 | Swiss Medtech (



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